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The definitive guide to R&D tax credit reforms

The R&D tax relief scheme has undergone significant changes in recent years, adding to the workload of busy companies. Starting from 1 April 2024, it’s going to get trickier as the scheme merges. Rest assured, our straightforward guide leads you through the updates so you can move forward confidently every step of the way.

You’ll Get:

  • A clear breakdown of SME and RDEC rate changes
  • An Introduction to the Merged Scheme on 1 April 2024
  • Guidance on restrictions to overseas R&D
  • Info on changes to contracted-out R&D
  • Updates on Submission Requirements

Simplify your approach to R&D tax relief in 2024 and beyond with expert guidance tailored to the latest legislative landscape.

Get your Ultimate Guide to R&D Tax Credit Reforms in 2024

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