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Guide to Series A funding in the UK

In this guide, we'll provide an in-depth look at Series A funding. We'll look at what it is, how it works, where to find it, and provide tips for securing it successfully.


The world of startup funding is complex, but understanding the basics of Series A funding is essential for any early-stage business. This guide aims to provide a complete overview of Series A funding, including what it is, how to prepare for it, what investors look for, and where to find Series A investment.

Looking for seed funding instead? Why not read our guide on seed funding and raising seed money in the UK?

series-a-fundingWhat is Series A funding?

Securing Series A funding is essential for startups and seed-funded companies since it is the primary major financing round received from venture capitalists following an initial seed round. After pre-seed funding or seed capital, this type of financing is important for startups to expand their team, develop products or services, scale their business, and sustain growth.


Series A, B, C, D and E: What a funding journey could look like

To fully grasp the significance of Series A funding for startups, we will look at what characterises this stage of funding, and provide a quick overview of subsequent funding rounds, including Series B, C, D, and E.


Series A Funding: Unleashing Growth Potential

Series A funding confirms a startup’s potential and draws more investors for future rounds. It shows that the startup has made noteworthy advancements, achieved critical milestones, and gained the attention of venture capitalists that have confidence in its growth prospects. Series A funding allows startups to invest in critical areas.

Key highlights of Series A funding stage include:
  • Purpose: Series A funding aims to expand the team, develop products or services, and establish a solid market position.
  • Funding Amount: Generally ranges from £1 million to £15 million of external equity funding, although it can vary based on the startup’s industry and growth prospects.
  • Investor Involvement: Series A investors often take an active role in the company, providing strategic guidance and expertise.
  • Equity stake from investors: At this stage, it is typical for small business owners to distribute around 20-25% of their company equity, as this is the standard in the industry.
  • Company Valuation: Series A funding sets the company’s valuation, reflecting its growth potential and attracting future investors.


Series B Funding: Scaling Operations

After securing Series A funding, companies that have achieved significant milestones may pursue Series B funding to scale their operations and capture a larger market share.


Key aspects of Series B funding include:
  • Purpose: Series B funding focuses on accelerating growth, expanding into new markets, and further developing products or services.
  • Funding Amount: Typically ranges from £5 million to £34 million, although successful startups may secure more significant investments.
  • Investor Involvement: Investors in Series B funding often include venture capital firms and institutional investors.
  • Equity stake from investors: At this stage, small business owners typically give away approximately 10-20% of their company equity, with an average of 15%.
  • Company Valuation: Series B funding increases the company’s valuation, reflecting its progress and potential for future success.


Series C Funding: Expanding Market Dominance

Series C funding comes into play when startups aim to solidify their market position and expand globally. Companies with proven revenue generation and a strong customer base often pursue it.


Key highlights of Series C funding include:
  • Purpose: Series C funding supports aggressive expansion, potential acquisitions, and increasing market dominance.
  • Funding Amount: Generally exceeds £30 million and can range into the hundreds of millions, depending on the startup’s growth trajectory.
  • Investor Involvement: Investors may include venture capital firms, private equity funds, and strategic investors.
  • Equity stake from investors: At this stage, small business owners should anticipate relinquishing approximately 10-20% of their company equity, which is comparable to the equity given up during Series B.
  • Company Valuation: Series C funding reflects the startup’s ability to capture market share and generate substantial revenue.

series-d-and-series-e-fundingSeries D and Series E Funding: Preparing for Future Growth

Series D and E funding rounds typically occur when startups prepare for an IPO, strategic acquisitions, or further scaling. These late-stage funding rounds may involve large investments from institutional investors, private equity firms, and sovereign wealth funds.

Key aspects include:
  • Purpose: Series D and E funding focus on fine-tuning operations, enhancing profitability, and preparing for potential exit events.
  • Funding Amount: This can range from tens to hundreds of millions of pounds, depending on the startup’s growth trajectory and plans.
  • Investor Involvement: Investors often include a mix of traditional venture capitalists, institutional investors, and potentially crossover investors.
  • Company Valuation: Series D and E funding reflect the startup’s potential for an IPO or acquisition soon.

The Series A Funding Process: A Step-by-Step Approach

The Series A funding process is critical for startups seeking significant investment to fuel their growth and scale their operations. To increase your chances of securing Series A funding, it’s essential to approach the process strategically and to be well-prepared. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the Series A funding journey effectively:

Preparing for a Successful Series A Round:

  • Refine your business model: Ensure that your business model is well-defined and aligned with market demands. Identify your target audience, value proposition, and revenue streams.
  • Establish a solid market position: Demonstrate market validation by gaining traction, engaging users, and acquiring customers. Highlight your competitive advantage and differentiation in the market.
  • Build a strong team: Assemble a talented and cohesive team with complementary skills and a track record of success. Investors will assess the team’s ability to execute the business plan.

Crafting an Effective Pitch Deck and Business Plan:

  • Create a compelling pitch deck: Develop a concise and visually appealing presentation that communicates your startup’s value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential. Highlight key metrics, market size, and competitive analysis.
  • Outline a comprehensive business plan: Provide detailed financial projections, growth strategies, and milestones to showcase the potential returns for investors. Address potential risks and mitigation strategies.

Prepare Your Term Sheet:

  • Define your funding requirements: Determine the amount of funding you need for your Series A round. Consider factors such as projected expenses, planned growth initiatives, and runway.
  • Structure the terms: Work with legal professionals to prepare a term sheet outlining the investment’s key terms and conditions. This includes equity ownership, liquidation preferences, board representation, anti-dilution provisions, and other negotiated terms.
  • Seek alignment with investors: Collaborate with potential investors to ensure the term sheet reflects both parties’ mutual interests and expectations. Be open to negotiations while protecting your startup’s long-term vision and interests.

Get a Valuation:

  • Assess your company’s value: Conduct a comprehensive valuation analysis to determine the worth of your company. Consider factors such as market trends, financial performance, growth potential, and comparable transactions in your industry.
  • Engage with valuation experts: Work with experienced professionals, such as financial advisors or valuation consultants, to obtain an accurate and objective valuation of your startup. Their expertise will help you present a credible and attractive investment opportunity to potential investors.
  • Be prepared for negotiations: Understand that valuation is a negotiation process. Be ready to justify your valuation based on your startup’s unique strengths, growth potential, and market traction. Seek a fair valuation that aligns with your funding needs and investors’ expectations.

Identifying and Engaging with Series A Investors:

  • Conduct thorough research: Identify venture capital firms that focus on Series A investments aligned with your industry and goals. Research their investment criteria, portfolio companies, and investment stages.
  • Approach investors strategically: Craft a compelling pitch tailored to each investor’s interests and investment thesis. Utilise networking events, introductions from industry connections, and online platforms to build relationships and seek introductions.
  • Navigating due diligence: Be prepared for in-depth due diligence, where investors evaluate your startup’s financials, operations, legal and IP aspects, market potential, and team. Address any concerns or gaps identified during the process.

Negotiating Deal Terms and Closing the Round:

  • Understand key deal terms: Familiarise yourself with standard terms associated with Series A funding, such as equity ownership, board seats, liquidation preferences, and anti-dilution provisions. Seek legal counsel to ensure a fair and favourable negotiation process.
  • Negotiate strategically: Advocate for terms that align with your startup’s long-term vision and growth plans. Strike a balance between meeting investor expectations and preserving your startup’s interests.
  • Formalise the investment agreement: Once deal terms are agreed upon, work with legal professionals to finalise the investment agreement and close the Series A funding round. Ensure all necessary legal and regulatory requirements are met.

Legal Documentation for Series A Funding

The successful execution of a Series A funding round requires thorough preparation and completion of essential legal documentation. Let’s delve into the key documents associated with Series A funding and their significance for startups:

  1. Term Sheet: An outline of the key investment terms, including valuation, investment amount, equity stake, liquidation preferences, board seats, and investor rights. It serves as a framework for negotiation and sets the foundation for the investment agreement.
  2. Investment Agreement: A legally binding contract between the startup and the investors that formalises the terms and conditions of the investment. It covers aspects such as the purchase of shares, warranties, representations, and covenants.
  3. Articles of Association: The Articles of Association outline the internal rules and regulations that govern the company’s operations, including the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, procedures for decision-making, share transfers, and other matters related to corporate governance.
  4. Disclosure Letter: A Disclosure Letter is a document provided by the startup to the investors, disclosing any material information, liabilities, or risks associated with the company. It ensures transparency and helps protect investors from undisclosed issues.
  5. Previous Investor Consent: If the startup has existing investors from previous funding rounds, their consent may be required for Series A funding. This document serves as evidence that the previous investors have agreed to the terms and conditions of the new investment round.
  6. Preemption Notice: A Preemption Notice is a document issued by the company to existing shareholders, notifying them of new issuance of shares or securities and giving them the opportunity to purchase those shares on a pro-rata basis before they are offered to external investors.
  7. Board Resolution: A Board Resolution is an official document that records decisions made by the board of directors. In the context of Series A funding, it may include resolutions to approve the investment agreement, issue new shares, appoint new directors, or authorize other actions related to the funding round.
  8. Shareholders’ Resolution: A Shareholders’ Resolution is a formal document that records decisions made by the shareholders. It may be required to approve the terms of the investment, amend the Articles of Association, authorize significant transactions, or make changes that require shareholder approval.
  9. SH01 Form: The SH01 Form is a Companies House form used to notify changes in the company’s share capital, including the issuance of new shares during the Series A funding round. It is filed with the relevant government authority to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

How to find the right Series A investor for you

When it comes to finding Series A investors, startups often face the challenge of identifying the right investors who align with their industry, stage, and growth goals. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Industry-Specific Networks and Associations: Tap into industry-specific networks and associations that cater to your sector. These networks often have connections with investors who have a keen interest in your industry. Attend their events, participate in forums, and leverage their resources to make valuable investor connections.
  2. Startup Incubators and Accelerators: Join startup incubators and accelerators that provide mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities. These programs often have a strong investor network and can facilitate introductions to potential Series A investors who are specifically interested in supporting early-stage startups.
  3. Angel Investor Networks: Explore angel investor networks that focus on funding startups at the Series A stage. Angel investors provide capital and expertise, and they can be a valuable source of funding and guidance for startups. Research and connect with angel investor networks that align with your industry and investment needs.
  4. Venture Capital Directories: Utilise venture capital directories and databases that provide comprehensive information on venture capital firms. These directories offer insights into the investment preferences, sectors of interest, and portfolio companies of various venture capital firms. Use this information to target firms that are actively investing in Series A startups in your industry.
  5. Online Platforms and Pitch Events: Leverage online platforms and pitch events that connect startups with investors. Platforms like AngelList, Gust, and Crunchbase allow startups to create profiles and showcase their businesses to potential investors. Additionally, participate in pitch events and demo days where you can present your startup to a wider audience of investors seeking Series A opportunities.

Remember, building relationships, conducting thorough research, and tailoring your approach to the preferences of each investor or network is crucial in attracting Series A investors.

Top Venture Capital Firms for Series A Funding in the UK

When securing Series A funding or venture capital financing. partnering with the right venture capital firm can make a significant difference. In the UK, several renowned VC firms have a strong track record of supporting startups in their Series A rounds. Here are ten of the top VC firms in the UK known for their expertise and investment in Series A funding:

1. Index Ventures:

  • Notable Investments: Deliveroo, TransferWise, Revolut.
  • Overview: Index Ventures is an international VC firm focusing on technology and consumer internet startups. They have invested in numerous successful UK-based companies, helping them become household names.

2. Balderton Capital:

  • Notable Investments: The Hut Group, Revolut, GoCardless.
  • Overview: Balderton Capital is a London-based VC firm that invests in European startups across various sectors, including fintech and healthcare.

3. Accel:

  • Notable Investments: Deliveroo, UiPath, Spotify.
  • Overview: Accel is a leading venture capital firm with offices in London, Palo Alto, and Bangalore. They have a long history of investing in successful UK companies, particularly in the technology and consumer sectors.

4. Octopus Ventures:

  • Notable Investments: Zoopla, Secret Escapes, Elvie.
  • Overview: Octopus Ventures is a London-based VC firm that invests in early-stage startups across various sectors, including healthcare and fintech.

5. LocalGlobe:

  • Notable Investments: TransferWise, Robinhood, Monzo.
  • Overview: LocalGlobe is a London-based seed-stage venture capital firm that has backed numerous successful UK startups, including several fintech unicorns.

6. Passion Capital:

  • Notable Investments: Monzo, GoCardless, Nested.
  • Overview: Passion Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm based in London. They invest in UK-based startups across various industries, focusing on technology and digital services. They have an impressive portfolio of successful investments in the fintech and proptech sectors.

7. Draper Esprit:

  • Notable Investments: Trustpilot, UiPath, Graphcore.
  • Overview: Draper Esprit is a leading European venture capital firm with a strong presence in the UK. They invest in high-growth technology companies across stages, from Series A to pre-IPO. Their portfolio includes several successful UK-based startups in AI, robotics, and other cutting-edge technologies.

8. Mosaic Ventures:

  • Notable Investments:, Habito, SuperAwesome.
  • Overview: Mosaic Ventures is a London-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology companies across Europe. They focus on innovative businesses in the fintech, proptech, and digital media sectors. Their portfolio includes several high-growth UK startups shaping their respective industries’ future.

9. Forward Partners:

  • Notable Investments: Patch, Appear Here, EmpowerRD.
  • Overview: Forward Partners is a London-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage UK companies across various sectors, including e-commerce, marketplaces, and SaaS. They provide capital, hands-on support, and expertise to help startups scale and succeed.

10. Episode 1 Ventures:

  • Notable Investments: Carwow, Triptease, AimBrain.
  • Overview: Episode 1 Ventures is a London-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology companies across the UK. They support startups in various sectors, including automotive, travel, and biometrics. They have a strong track record of backing successful UK-based businesses.

Alternatives to Series A Funding Rounds: Exploring Options

While traditional funding rounds like Series A are popular, startups have other alternative ways to raise money. Here are a few options:

R&D Tax Credits

Government incentives like R&D tax credits are designed to encourage innovation. Startups engaged in R&D can claim tax credits based on their eligible R&D costs. These credits can be used to offset taxes or provide a cash injection, giving your startup more funds to invest in R&D. If you’d like to learn more about this, why not download our Ultimate R&D Tax Credit Guide.

R&D Advance Funding

R&D advance funding allows you to access 80% of your expected R&D tax credit claim, up to 9 months before receiving it. Instead of waiting for the credit to be processed, you can receive an advance on the anticipated amount. This gives you immediate access to capital, which can be used to fuel your ongoing R&D activities. If you’d like to learn more about this, why not read our Guide on R&D Advance Funding.

Grants and Government Funding

Governments and public organisations often offer grants and funding programs tailored for startups. These grants provide financial support for various purposes, such as research, innovation, and market expansion. Exploring government-funded initiatives and grant opportunities can be a valuable source of non-dilutive funding for your startup’s growth.

Debt Funding

Debt funding involves borrowing money from banks, investment banks, financial institutions, or alternative lenders. Startups can obtain loans or lines of credit to finance their operations, expansion plans, or specific projects. Debt funding allows you to retain ownership and control while leveraging borrowed capital to support your growth objectives.


Crowdfunding platforms have become popular for raising capital. By pitching your ideas or products to a large pool of potential investors or backers, you can secure funding. Crowdfunding offers different models, such as rewards, equity, or debt-based investments. It not only provides capital but also acts as a marketing and validation tool, creating early adopters and building brand awareness.

Exploring these alternative funding options provides flexibility and new opportunities to secure the capital your startup needs. Each option has its own considerations, requirements, and benefits, so evaluate which ones align best with your goals and circumstances.

Seeking a trusted partner to help with your R&D tax credit claim?

We’re here to help. Hundreds of series A stage companies have trusted EmpowerRD’s R&D platform and specialists to help them build optimised, compliant R&D tax claims. Please get in touch with one of our experts today if you have any further questions.


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